How Do I Connect My Facebook to Twitter 2019

Irritated at having to upload a status upgrade, tweet, and promote your article all at the same time? We can help you take one aspect out of that equation by having your Facebook standing updates immediately exchange tweets.

How Do I Connect My Facebook To Twitter

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Action (1 ): Open your Facebook account

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (2 ): Most Likely To Settings.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (3 ): Select the choice Fans.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (4 ): Select The Choice Connect With Twitter Account.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (5 ): Select The Alternative Web Link Profile To Twitter.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (6 ): Authorization.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

Step (7 ): Select The Privacy Readying To Public.

How To Link Facebook With Twitter

If you know an additional technique please show to us in the Remark Area below. Please do like us on Twitter and facebook. Thanks.